Anonymous Artist

This artist opted to remain anonymous. In the spirit of practicing feminist ethics of care and safety, we offer anonymity for all Artist Changemakers. Artist Changemakers may choose to remain anonymous for a variety of reasons in line with the multiplicities of their creative practices. Please read on to learn what this artist has shared about their work.
Since I entered the rap scene, my primary goal has been to engage my audience, and only then to become famous. That’s why, compared to the years I’ve been active, I have fewer fans, especially in a patriarchal society like Iran where feminist issues are often met with resistance.Anonymous Artist
What role do you think art can play in social change?
Art creates culture, and looking at history, we can see how art can engage society and compel people to think and change.
How would you describe your artistic practice as a feminist rapper in Iran?
Since I entered the rap scene, my primary goal has been to engage my audience, and only then to become famous. That’s why, compared to the years I’ve been active, I have fewer fans, especially in a patriarchal society like Iran where feminist issues are often met with resistance. Throughout the years, I have faced insults and boycotts because of my way of thinking, especially when my political activities against the Islamic Republic intensified outside of Iran. Currently, I’m boycotting the rap media in Iran, and I’m subjected to attacks and insults. But I persevere despite the challenges because fighting has become a part of my life.
What do you hope to achieve through this award?
I hope to be able to spend more time on music and creating impactful works with this award, and less on making a living. As an independent and marginalized artist, life can be difficult, especially when it takes away from creating music.